Interactive Demographics

Definitions and Relationships

A separate section of this website provides:

  • 1. A description of each variable used in the model
  • 2. The other variables that it impacts if changed and
  • 3. The variables that influence it is given in a separate section of this website.

Click here to see the definitions

Each variable (box) is listed in the left hand menu - select as appropriate.

By 2045

The total population of China is projected to decline to 1.378 billion persons - down from 1.411 in 2020 (Census). This assumes the average birth rate per thousand women aged 15 to 49 increases from 44 (in 2019) to 50 in 2024 and then declines to 46 by 2045, reflecting trends in improved education and affluence.

Annual births in 2024 are expected to be 15.7 million and are projected to decline to 12.4 million by 2035 and 11.541 million by 2045.

For more information on births in China, see our Special report on this topic

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