Interactive Demographics

Create your own Future Scenarios in seconds
Covering each of 118 countries


Demographics significantly influence a country’s future.  But what will that future be?  A few factors influence it – but variation in these can significantly impact it.  The Interactive Demographic Model allows you to see instantly what the range of outcomes might be.

It is a valuable tool for strategic planning and investment planning and is instantly available online.


Why it is useful

Few forecasts are 100% accurate.  Therefore, it is more useful to try different scenarios of the relevant variables and consider the risks associated with the different outcomes. How important is the change?   Where should strategy be focused?

Interactive demographics allow you to see how sensitive the future (to 2045) demographic and socio-economic profile of a country is to variations in key variables.

This includes varying the

  • birth rate,
  • migration rate,
  • propensity to be employed by age and gender
  • fixed capital investment,
  • education profile,
  • worker share of productivity and
  • propensity to spend.

It shows the impact of varying some or all of these variables on each of:

  • total  births
  • Total population
  • Household number and size (persons per household)
  • Population by age group
  • Working age population
  • Employed population (by key age segments and gender)
  • Productivity per worker
  • Total Gross Domestic Product
  • Household Incomes
  • Propensity to spend and total expenditure all households (core part of total private Consumption Expenditure in National Accounts)


While this may appear to be a small set of variables to evaluate, the reality is that these are the only ones available to society (the government) to influence.  Variables such as the overall age profile of a population cannot be arbitrarily changed.  They are very much a function of birth rates and migration and death rates – the last of which is largely determined by the existing lifestyle of the population.  To make it obvious, the age profile of the population today significantly determines the age profile of the population in 10 years, subject only to variations in birth rates (possible), death rates (unlikely to change suddenly) or migration (Government-determined).

This model lets you evaluate the forecasts made by different parties about such items as

  • the impact of an ageing population on the economy.
  • To what extent can it change over the next 22 years?
  • The growth/decline of working age population and labour force
  • Whether there are enough workers to sustain the population, etc

There are two output forms.

  1. Detailed tables – running from 2005 to 2022 actual and forecast to 2045 – for each of 67 variables (See page with a list of variables published in the model).  The user can select the year range to show.
  2. An Excel or PDF report:  This compares the base case and scenario case for a range of more important variables.  This provides summary tables for (user) selected years and relevant charts for each comparison.

Both outputs are downloadable in Excel (or, in the case of the report -in PDF).